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  1. Https://code.visualstudio.com/
  2. Visual Studio Code Tutorial
  3. Visual Studio Code Download
  4. Visual Studio Code Tutorial
  5. Visual Studio Code
  6. Node.js
  7. Visual Studio Code Download For Windows 10

Sign in to GitHub by using Visual Studio Code. Use Visual Studio Code to search GitHub for repos. Clone a repo from Visual Studio Code. Publish a local project to GitHub by using Visual Studio Code. View a timeline of activity on a GitHub repo. How to use Visual Studio Code as Default Editor for Git. Multiline editing in Visual Studio Code.


APPLIES TO: Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance

Visual Studio Code is a graphical code editor for Linux, macOS, and Windows. It supports extensions, including the mssql extension for querying a SQL Server instance, Azure SQL Database, an Azure SQL Managed Instance, and a database in Azure Synapse Analytics. In this quickstart, you'll use Visual Studio Code to connect to Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Managed Instance and then run Transact-SQL statements to query, insert, update, and delete data.


  • A database in Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Managed Instance. You can use one of these quickstarts to create and then configure a database in Azure SQL Database:

    ActionAzure SQL DatabaseAzure SQL Managed Instance
    ConfigureServer-level IP firewall rule)Connectivity from a virtual machine (VM)
    Connectivity from on-premises
    Load dataAdventure Works loaded per quickstartRestore Wide World Importers
    Restore or import Adventure Works from a BACPAC file from GitHub


    The scripts in this article are written to use the Adventure Works database. With a SQL Managed Instance, you must either import the Adventure Works database into an instance database or modify the scripts in this article to use the Wide World Importers database.

Install Visual Studio Code

Make sure you have installed the latest Visual Studio Code and loaded the mssql extension. For guidance on installing the mssql extension, see Install Visual Studio Code and mssql for Visual Studio Code.

Configure Visual Studio Code


For macOS, you need to install OpenSSL, which is a prerequisite for .NET Core that mssql extension uses. Open your terminal and enter the following commands to install brew and OpenSSL.

Linux (Ubuntu)

No special configuration needed.


No special configuration needed.

Get server connection information

Get the connection information you need to connect to Azure SQL Database. You'll need the fully qualified server name or host name, database name, and login information for the upcoming procedures.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Navigate to the SQL databases or SQL Managed Instances page.

  3. On the Overview page, review the fully qualified server name next to Server name for SQL Database or the fully qualified server name next to Host for a SQL Managed Instance. To copy the server name or host name, hover over it and select the Copy icon.

Set language mode to SQL

Visual Studio Code

In Visual Studio Code, set the language mode to SQL to enable mssql commands and T-SQL IntelliSense.

  1. Open a new Visual Studio Code window.

  2. Press Ctrl+N. A new plain text file opens.

  3. Select Plain Text in the status bar's lower right-hand corner.

  4. In the Select language mode drop-down menu that opens, select SQL.

Connect to your database

Use Visual Studio Code to establish a connection to your server.


Before continuing, make sure that you have your server and sign in information ready. Once you begin entering the connection profile information, if you change your focus from Visual Studio Code, you have to restart creating the profile.

  1. In Visual Studio Code, press Ctrl+Shift+P (or F1) to open the Command Palette.

  2. Select MS SQL:Connect and choose Enter.

  3. Select Create Connection Profile.

  4. Follow the prompts to specify the new profile's connection properties. After specifying each value, choose Enter to continue.

    Property Suggested valueDescription 
    Server nameThe fully qualified server nameSomething like: mynewserver20170313.database.windows.net.
    Database namemySampleDatabaseThe database to connect to.
    AuthenticationSQL LoginThis tutorial uses SQL Authentication.
    User nameUser nameThe user name of the server admin account used to create the server.
    Password (SQL Login)PasswordThe password of the server admin account used to create the server.
    Save Password?Yes or NoSelect Yes if you do not want to enter the password each time.
    Enter a name for this profileA profile name, such as mySampleProfileA saved profile speeds your connection on subsequent logins.

    If successful, a notification appears saying your profile is created and connected.

Query data

Run the following SELECT Transact-SQL statement to query for the top 20 products by category.

  1. In the editor window, paste the following SQL query.

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+E to run the query and display results from the Product and ProductCategory tables.


Insert data

Run the following INSERT Transact-SQL statement to add a new product into the SalesLT.Product table.

  1. Replace the previous query with this one.

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+E to insert a new row in the Product table.

Update data

Run the following UPDATE Transact-SQL statement to update the added product.

  1. Replace the previous query with this one:

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+E to update the specified row in the Product table.

Delete data

Run the following DELETE Transact-SQL statement to remove the new product.

Visual studio code download
  1. Replace the previous query with this one:

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+E to delete the specified row in the Product table.

Next steps

  • To connect and query using SQL Server Management Studio, see Quickstart: Use SQL Server Management Studio to connect to a database in Azure SQL Database and query data.
  • To connect and query using the Azure portal, see Quickstart: Use the SQL Query editor in the Azure portal to connect and query data.
  • For an MSDN magazine article on using Visual Studio Code, see Create a database IDE with MSSQL extension blog post.

Visual Studio Code Tutorial

LaTeX Workshop is an extension for Visual Studio Code, aiming to provide core features for LaTeX typesetting with Visual Studio Code.

This project won't be successful without contributions from the community, especially from the current and past key contributors:

  • Jerome Lelong @jlelong
  • Takashi Tamura @tamuratak
  • Tecosaur @tecosaur
  • James Booth @jabooth

Thank you so much!

Note that the latest version of LaTeX-Workshop requires at least VSCode 1.50.0.


The manual of the extension is maintained as a wiki

Visual Studio Code Download

Table of Contents

  • Installation and basic settings
    • Usage
  • Compiling
  • Viewing & SyncTeX
    • Internal PDF viewer
    • External PDF viewer
  • Formatting
  • Intellisense
  • Snippets and shortcuts
  • Hovering and previewing features
  • Playing with environments
  • Extra features

Features (Taster)

Visual Studio Code Tutorial

This is not a complete list but rather a preview of some of the coolest features.

  • Build LaTeX (including BibTeX) to PDF automatically on save.

  • View PDF on-the-fly (in VS Code or browser).

  • Direct and reverse SyncTeX. Click to jump between location in .tex source and PDF and vice versa.

  • Intellisense, including completions for bibliography keys (cite{}) and labels (ref{}).

  • LaTeX log parser, with errors and warnings in LaTeX build automatically reported in VS Code.

    • Linting
    • A lot of LaTeX commands can be typed using snippets starting in , then type part of the command to narrow the search.

    • Surround some selected text with a LaTeX command using ctrl+l, ctrl+w (⌘+l, ⌘+w on Mac). A new menu pops up to select the command. This works with multi selections. The former approach using has been deprecated.

    • We also provide a few other snippets mechanisms

      • Greek letters are obtained as @ + letter. Some letters have variants, which are available as @v + letter. See here.

      • Common environments can be obtained by BXY where XY are the first two letters of the environment name, eg. BEQ gives the equation environment. If you want the star version of the environment, use BSXX, eg. BSEQ gives the equation* environment. See here.

      • Common font commands can be obtained by FXY where XY are the last two letters of the font command name, eg. FIT gives textit{}. See here.

      • Many other maths symbols can be obtained with the @ prefix. See here.

    • In addition to snippets, there are shortcuts provided by the extension that allow you to easily format text (and one or two other things).

  • When the current line starts with item or item[], hitting Enter automatically adds a newline starting in the same way. For a better handling of the last item, hitting Enter on a line only containing item or item[] actually deletes the content of the line. The alt+Enter is bind to the standard newline command. This automatic insertion of item can be deactivated by setting latex-workshop.bind.enter.key to false.

  • Preview on hover. Hovering over the start tag of a math environment causes a mathjax preview to pop up.

Visual Studio Code


The code for this extension is available on github at: https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop

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