
This book was written to give people who are new to R, RStudio, and R Markdown the tools they need to begin making their own research reproducible. R is an open-source programming language that has seen its popularity grow tremendously in recent years, with developers adding new functionality via packages on a daily basis. RStudio is a graphical development environment that makes it easier to write and view the results of R code, and R Markdown provides an easy way to produce rich, fully-documented, reproducible analyses.

Screenshots and screencasts (with no audio) are used throughout to illustrate key concepts, but if you need further clarification on these or any other aspect, please create a GitHub issue or email me with a reference to the area where more guidance is necessary. Pull requests on GitHub for typos or improvements are also welcome, and you can easily do so by clicking on the Edit button near Search at the top of the HTML version of the book.

  1. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.
  2. Markdown does not officially support video embeddings but you can embed raw HTML in it. I tested out with GitHub Pages and it works flawlessly. Go to the Video page on YouTube and click on the Share Button.
R Markdown Youtube

이 짧은 튜토리얼을 따라 R 스크립트를 HTML 문서로 직접 인쇄합니다. 헤더에 약간의 작은 변화와 그렇지 않으면 정상적인 R의 의견.

In the HTML version, you can download the book as a PDF by clicking on the PDF button in the toolbar at the top of the page. Given the heavy use of screencasts, HTML is the recommended format for most readers, but the PDF is available for those who need it. Links to the different YouTube videos directly found in the HTML version are provided in the PDF version. You can also download the video files directly. Note that no audio is attached to these screencast videos.

This book will evolve and be updated as needed based on reader feedback. You can see when the book was last updated below.

I strongly recommend that you use R version 3.3.0 or higher, RStudio Desktop version 1.0 or higher, and rmarkdown R package version 1.0 or higher. This will ensure that your setup matches the screenshots and recordings, making it easier to follow along. Additionally, you may find that videos don’t load sometimes. I haven’t had any problems using Google Chrome and recommend that as your browser to view this book if you have trouble with other browsers.

This book was last updated by chester.ismay on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 16:08:34 MST.

R markdown youtube

I usually struggle to remember all the parameters for inserting links and especially images to the markdown which is the default format for GitHub, GitLab comments and documentation files and for this blog as well. Moreover, neither GitHub nor GitLab supports inserting videos.

One of the workarounds for this issue with videos is to insert an image of for the video wrapped in a link pointing to the video location. For markdown files images are inserted in the following way:

whereas we use the following markup to insert links

So, combining these two markups allows us inserting image with link to the markdown

Good! Now we know how to have clickable images in our markdown which will redirect us to some link. But how can we do the same trick with youtube video?

Inserting youtube clickable image to markdown

Let’s try to do the same thing with Audi R8 youtube video.

First, we need to grab an image from the video. Hopefully there is and API to do that. You will need vide id which is alphanumeric sequence in the urls v parameter. In the example above it is KOxbO0EI4MA. The link to image will be

For Audi R8 video the image is going to be

R Markdown Tutorial Youtube

R Markdown Youtube

R Markdown Youtube


The only one thing is left, which is combining image with url

Great! We have just created a clickable image that can be inserted in the markdown and used in GitHub or GitLab comments. So, now you can praise awesome commits with funny cat videos.

Automatic Conversion

Remembering the markdown specifics to create clickable images is quite hard. So there is a web tool that’s doing that automatically. Navigate to the embedyoutube. You will see

Just put there your youtube link, alt text and title for the image and you will get the markdown that is ready to be pasted to the Git comment or markdown.

How To Use R Markdown Youtube

To conclude, we learned how we can embed youtube links into markdown files and GitHub and GitLab comments using image and link markup, also we learned how to do it automatically using embedyoutube.org