
I make extensive use of the MRTK2 extension service feature and its dependency injection capabilities. Unfortunately it’s not easy to see the internal state of such a service in the Unity editor while it’s running, unless you are willing to write a custom inspector for it using the Unity Editor API. This API is, to put it mildly, not very intuitive. Writing editor UIs is a cumbersome and error-prone process. If your extension service grows and holds more complex data, maintaining it becomes a chore as for every single field you have to add UI code.

The lazy developer’s approach

So I started thinking: wouldn’t it be possible to write something that just iterates over the properties of a service using reflection and draw a UI on the fly? And then using the property type info to determine a field type - and fall back to a ToString() value in a text field. It turned out I could… although I had to solve the slight matter of recursively diving into child objects. I use a rather primitive approach to determine whether a property is a complex type or a simple type: if its ToString() value equals its type’s FullName, it’s a complex type and I have to dive into render it’s properties in a nested way. If not, it’s just a field. That works for almost everything. QED.

Using BaseGenericServiceInspector

I make extensive use of the MRTK2 extension service feature and its dependency injection capabilities. Unfortunately it’s not easy to see the internal state of such a service in the Unity editor while it’s running, unless you are willing to write a custom inspector for it using the Unity Editor API. This API is, to put it mildly, not very intuitive. Writing editor UIs is a cumbersome.

If you create a new service and opt for creating a Service Inspector, you get handed a class that looks like this:

GUILayoutOption Class internally used to pass layout options into GUILayout functions. You don't use these directly, but construct them with the layouting functions in the GUILayout class. Name Description; selected: The index of the selected button texts: An array of strings to show on the buttons. Images: An array of textures on the buttons. This class has handy inspector UI utilities and functions.

Unity Guilayoutoption

In stead of adding inspector fields yourself, literally all you have to do is:

  • Add using MRTKExtensions.ServiceExtensions.Editor on top
  • Delete the DrawInspectorGUI override
  • Replace the BaseMixedRealityServiceInspector base class by BaseGenericServiceInspector

The heart of the matter

Basically, in BaseGenericServiceInspector, this routine does most of the work:

Guilayoutoption Align

It simply iterates over every property, and draws a field for it. Unless the property is an object with more properties - or when the object is decorated with a [InspectorExpand] attribute.

Gui Unity

Actually drawing fields


Now this is pretty easy in itself. There’s actually two methods drawing fields. One draws most of the common fields, falling back to a ToString() value in a text field for none-specific fields or text:

The DrawCustom method allow you do make draw more specific fields in addition to the five types I implemented. This is particularly useful for custom frameworks.

Showing nested objects and properties


The weirdness of the Unity editor UI API really shows in RenderFoldout. I stole - and adapted - this from BaseMixedRealityProfileInspector and I engaged in quite a bit of cargo cult programming before I had an idea what was actually going on. As you can see in RenderObjectFields (up above), when it encounters a complex object, it calls RenderFoldout with call to itself as an Action but now with the property value (holding an object) as parameter.

To understand how RenderFoldout works, it’s vital to understand the UI is not drawn once, and only then when it’s updated - this code is continually called. Time and time again the UI is rendered in the editor. And you really have to store state - any state - elsewhere. the good writers of BaseMixedRealityProfileInspector used the ‘SessionState’ object object for that, and I dutifully copied that approach.

So what happens is:

  • A key is created to look into the SessionState, which apparently is a key-value bag that keeps it state over UI render calls
  • The value of the key, determining if the foldout is expanded or not, is retrieved - with false as default value
  • The FoldOut is rendered. Mind you, only the header with the arrow. Not the contents. The state parameter apparently only determines whether the arrow next to the label is pointing down (open) or right (closed).
  • By some magic the fact whether or not the user has clicked to open or close the FoldOut magically appears in currentState. By what event - beats me.
  • The updated state is stored back into the SessionState so it can be used in the next render call
  • And if currentState is true, the actual contents are rendered. This is an action, and if you look back it’s simply RenderObjectFields’s call to itself.

[InspectorExpand]’s use and usage


Unity3d Ongui

I made a passing remark already: I use a rather crude approach as to determining whether or not a property is a complex object that merits nested rendering of it’s properties. In the demo project, whose inspector display is featured in the image on top, I created a convoluted structure of objects to show off it works.

In the ToStringOverriddenObject I had to add the [InspectorExpand] attribute because I intentionally have overridden the ToString(). If it weren’t for the [InspectorExpand] it would look like this:

Commenting out the attribute will demonstrate this issue - and why this attribute is useful.


Guilayoutoption Height

Although this code is editor code and by it’s very nature will never run on and actual HoloLens, I think it might be a useful addition if you are using MRKT2’s Extension Services. I might even make it into a pull request one day ;). I hope people who actually understand writing Editor code - like my esteemed colleague - won’t have to laugh to hard about this.

유니티 Guilayoutoption

Demo project can be found here.